Wednesday, February 25, 2015

English Class and PreCalculus(ID)

In English class today we worked on a timed writing. The timed writing was ok and I wrote about Beowulf. Tomorrow there will be a Socratic seminar. So far I'm really enjoying this class because it is helping me improve my writing skills and my skills as a reader. I can now analyze more difficult texts easier thanks to it, and I can even write faster. I still need to work on expanding my ideas more, and providing evidence for what I write, but I will get there hopefully by the time I have to take the AP test. Even though the class is in the morning I don't really care because I actually wake up even earlier to get to school on time. Doing this will help me do the same for college and future jobs. I have attained a lot of great knowledge through this class even though many people complain about it. 

In terms of my Pre Calculus class we are learning about matrixes right now. I love this class a lot because I always learn new things in math. In the past I never really liked math because I always struggled in it. This class helped push me harder than I ever had in any math class in the past. I just love enjoying learning new materials and the teacher is great as well. I'm always happy when I go to the class.

These two classes helped me improved as a student in different ways. I am grateful to have these classes, and I will continue to work hard in them both. I always love tackling challenges and these classes at times are these, but I still managed to enjoy myself doing the work.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Superbowl Alternate Ending Video(SSR)

I saw a video on facebook on someone playing the nfl game and using the Patriots and Seahawks, The video showed what the Seahawks should have done during the end of the game. Instead of the pass the ball was given to Marshaw Lynch and the Seahawks won the Superbowl. I was rooting for the Patriots, but this alternate ending could have been the outcome of the game.

This was the first super bowl I really watched and it was enjoyable. The video showed that the coach make a mistake in the play he called and it cost the team because of it. The video was entertaining to watch.