Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Middle Journey

Tyrese Adams is an African male teenager that is 14 years old. He lives in a primarily white neighborhood and he never experienced any type of racism until he started high school the next year. On his first day of school a lot of the kids there were staring at him, which made him uncomfortable. He hurried to his class and when he sat down the kid sitting next to him that he didn’t belong in this school. Tyrese was mad that he told him this, but he wondered why this kid said that to him. When he opened his locker to go home there was a letter there that said get out of our school N word. Now Tyrese knew why he was looked at when he came to school and why that kid said that to him.

When Tyrese got home he started crying about how he didn’t want to live in this town anymore because there wasn’t anyone that looked like him and he had no friends. Tyrese mom forced him to go to school the next day and the second day was worse than the first one. He was shoved by some kids and they told him straight to his face that things were going to get worse for him. Tyrese knew this was all he was going to take and he fought back by creating posters saying “Skin color doesn’t lead to ignorance, but the person themeself are the ones that are ignorant.” After creating all these posters and later on talking to the principal about what happened to him, the principal had a meeting with all the students talking about racism and how targeting someone because of their skin color and race is a horrible thing.

The kids that were racist towards Tyrese didn’t get suspended or anything because he told the principal to give them another chance because everyone makes mistakes. After Tyrese completed high school he went to college and did study abroad programs where he met many people from different ethnicities and later on his life he ran for mayor in the little town he lived in his youth and won. He founded programs for kids who couldn’t afford to go to the private schools in the town to go to it, he visited his old high school and talked about racism and how if it was taught to you, you don’t have to follow it because you are your own person, and because of his new programs he was happy to see more color in schools now because when he went to school there was barely any. If you’re reading this remember that no matter your skin color or ethnicity you should respect yourself and others around you, and never let anyone say that you don’t belong somewhere because of it.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


One of my passions believe it or is writing. Even though I am not the best writer I love writing. I loved writing since I was in elementary school and it was easy for me to do since then. In my writing I see that I still can improve a lot, which makes me happy because I'm trying to get my writing as close as to the perfection I see in my mind. The only thing that makes me kind of angry is criticism, but lately as years have past I actually have taken these criticisms and made my writing even better. After being a highschool student for four years I have seen my writing skills have progressed since my younger days.

Even though writing is one of my passions I sometimes lack passion to write. I would start writing stories and not come back to it because either I lost passion for them or I ran out of ideas. Unlike many writers I don't like pre writing stuff because when I write the words just come out on the page easily. I know many people have difficulty writing, but I don't really have this problem when I write. Ways I can improve my writing is using more complex vocabulary, edit my work, and use the grammar rules effectively.

Things that inspire me to write is anything. I could look, smell, or feel something and write about it. I'm looking out the window and I see a white sky because of the fog. I could start a story about it like; The white sky signaled the approaching of the hurricane and the citizens looking up at it knew they were doomed from the start. Writing is a passion that hopefully stays with me because I have had friends that had skills such as art just give up because they lost their passion. I never know if this could have to me or not, but I'll keep writing and see what happens. One of my goals is to write a book that gets made into a movie. I'm confident I could do this and I'll keep writing a current story I have to accomplish this.  Below is a picture of a writer that I truly enjoyed his work in The Heart of Darkness

Joseph.Conrad.jpg (1024×755)   heart-of-darkness1.jpg (624×486)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Writing a Story(FC)

Since Thursday I have been writing a story about a super hero. I started this story because I was bored in class because we didn't have anything to do because barely anyone was there. I decided to start on this super hero story because I thought of a generic thing to write about. I already started on a former story about a kid in 2013, but I lost my motivational for it. It's 15 pages I believe and I haven't added anything new to it. Now back to my super hero story.

My character's name is Logan and he was born from air. He has the power of air manipulation and he is a white male. He doesn't know his purpose in life because he wasn't a human. He always wonders what he should do with his powers. Logan lives in a time period where 20% of the Earth's population has super powers and there is currently only 1 billion people on Earth. A lot of the Earth's population died somehow. I didn't think of how they died yet. Later on throughout my story Logan robs banks and sometimes helps people. When he helps people however there are many casualties because of his lack of control for his powers. Later on my story the main character goes to New York and finds out that their main hero with a red costume died and he visits his grave site to pay his respects. A quote on the hero's gravestone makes him feel different about what he has been doing. I'm not going to give the whole story away yet, but in the grave site he meets a stranger that looks suspicious and Logan ask for his name. The stranger responds by saying his name is Source and Logan challenges him to a fight. When they exchange blows Logan's air powers just disappear and................................

So far I'm enjoying writing the story, but it could go unfinished if I lose inspirational. By inspirational I'm talking about ideas or do I really feel like I should keep writing anymore. I might go back to writing my story from 2 years ago, but I'm mainly going to focus on this super hero story because I have inspirational right now because I watched Avengers Age of Ultron. If I were to finish this story it would probably be 100 pages, but I would like it to be published as a comic because all the content I have so far could make one comic. If it were a comic I don't know what the name of it will be yet, but I'll work on it. The hardest things right now for me is thinking up of character names and deciding on what their back stories will be about. If my story was to become a comic each issue will focus on different team ups or other characters back stories. My favorite super hero is down below and also my inspirations.