Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Gym(FC)

Today was arm day at the gym. I used some machines and then lifted some weights. The gym for me is an escaped from reality, and in my eyes another reality. I get lost in the workout and I feel good after I finish. I have been going to the gym since the summer, and I decided to start going to be healthier. Now I go to the gym to get stronger. How strong you ask, who knows. My goal of getting stronger is infinite and non achievable goals make me even go harder in the gym. After the gym I came home did some stuff and now I'm writing this blog. There is only one person that loves the gym more than me and his name is...............


  1. During the summer of 2014, my aim was to get stronger and I made a lot of strength gains. I can relate to you because I kept seeing myself getting stronger each week with no limit. I plan on going to the gym every week so I can get bigger before summer. You'll be emphasizing strength while I'm focusing mainly on hypertrophy. Either way we'll see some amazing results.

  2. I think I know that one guy you're talking about. Invitation is always open to come train at the gym with us Andry.
