My character's name is Logan and he was born from air. He has the power of air manipulation and he is a white male. He doesn't know his purpose in life because he wasn't a human. He always wonders what he should do with his powers. Logan lives in a time period where 20% of the Earth's population has super powers and there is currently only 1 billion people on Earth. A lot of the Earth's population died somehow. I didn't think of how they died yet. Later on throughout my story Logan robs banks and sometimes helps people. When he helps people however there are many casualties because of his lack of control for his powers. Later on my story the main character goes to New York and finds out that their main hero with a red costume died and he visits his grave site to pay his respects. A quote on the hero's gravestone makes him feel different about what he has been doing. I'm not going to give the whole story away yet, but in the grave site he meets a stranger that looks suspicious and Logan ask for his name. The stranger responds by saying his name is Source and Logan challenges him to a fight. When they exchange blows Logan's air powers just disappear and................................
So far I'm enjoying writing the story, but it could go unfinished if I lose inspirational. By inspirational I'm talking about ideas or do I really feel like I should keep writing anymore. I might go back to writing my story from 2 years ago, but I'm mainly going to focus on this super hero story because I have inspirational right now because I watched Avengers Age of Ultron. If I were to finish this story it would probably be 100 pages, but I would like it to be published as a comic because all the content I have so far could make one comic. If it were a comic I don't know what the name of it will be yet, but I'll work on it. The hardest things right now for me is thinking up of character names and deciding on what their back stories will be about. If my story was to become a comic each issue will focus on different team ups or other characters back stories. My favorite super hero is down below and also my inspirations.
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